Friday, July 11, 2014

DLW-0001 Introduction

So you I expect are in the "How to be a Druid" Facebook Group.

You may or may not belong to other Orders and Groves including ours at How to be a Druid Virtual Church and Grove

Makes no difference the DLW is only here to aid and guild those that wish to use it.

No to argue (yet questions are fine and wanted) over the many different views of what Druidism or Druidry is or is not.

The DLW will have a small bit of my own Un-Reformed Druid views of course as I am writing and selecting the materials used. But I do understand that most Public offered Orders would call themselves Reform in one or more ways.

And yes there may be with us those that walk the paths of other newer Mono-Religions also. I will try and avoid conflict or even my views of this as it does not effect the Materials we will study except keeping in mind much seanchaĆ­ (traditional storytelling or history) we have comes from those living off the Tit or under the Sword of the "New Mono-.God / Religion).
And I will be linking for reference to other work of mine and others.

For old Irish Welsh Gaelic Roman etc terms I use now and then. Most can be found here/ 

TDK / The Druid King

Here is link to our  Facebook "How to be a Druid" group. If you wish to ask questions on any "DLW" material or lessons please joint this Open Group

PS. place support this effort by giving Blogs  sponsor ads a click as you use it. The few pennies help. Oh and I have no control over what ads come up. That is a Google thing.


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