Tuesday, July 15, 2014

DLW-0003 Oh my Where to Start

This may be the hardest lesson to write. How does one approach such a massive and contentious ice berg as Celtic and Druid history, much less the many roles Druids played in Celtic Toutas (Tribal)  life. And then there is our much older and hidden roots of the lost last Ice Age. (Which will not to scratched on here in this effort).

It is Said Druid's were wise, studied for some say 19-20 years. Keep all in memory only. And yes many of us have been studying, leaning, doing and sharing our own Druid ways for much longer yet feel we are but Acorns compared to the Great Oaks of our long lost Druid past.

I have given this issue of how much though and Summerland searching but I still only get one answer back.
" Dear Scribe, just pin the Oaks magick ink will go where it must." And yes I too like the Bards of the past walk the lonely and dangerous Ley of Awen and   Imbas Forosna. ( Do not worry that you will often see old and perhaps odd term and words, most will be defined in the resources blog and when reading the lessons you may also want to keep it open.

So we do not have 19-20 years for this nor Trice a Year and a Day for the most common three paths of Modern Neo-Druid training. But off we go anyway,

First let us look at the most accepted three Ranks or Orders of training and Druids past.

It seems most Public Druidic Orders or organizations I know follow this format.

A Triad, it is said the Celtics and the Bards loved things in three's

1) Bard

2) Vatis or Ovate

3) Druid

But in the Order I follow and which bits and pieces of my past and training will bleed into this course. Yet it is not in any way part of or approved by them

The Order of Training on the Ley path of a Druid.

1) Vatis or Ovate as seer, psychic and prophet must learn to hear and see with the Psychic mind as first.

2) Bard as poet and warrior must learn to teach , how to bless and curse  (druid rhetoric {Rosc or roscanna magick poems} )   with the psychic mind, tongue and body as second.

3) Druid as wiser warrior and peace keeper must learn to deal with the Politics of Life both Human and Gods as last .

Oh and yes we will see the term Warrior and Conjure , Rosc and other Magick come up here from time to time. So if you are looking the The White Light and always nice Druid Woods, I am sorry this is not the way.  And you should turn back and seek elsewhere.

Another Triad

The Paths

1) Sun Path

2) The Moon Path

3) The Earth Path

Is also somewhat common (I believe) way to teach, each path one at a time. (I will define these paths in a bit).

So in our Modern life and world it is easy to see that we need all three orders of Druid's old ways in our everyday life at the same time. And as we experience the Cycles of The Sun and Year, Moon and months tides while our life and feet remain Earth bound and ruled.

We shall be looking at all these things as the Moon rolls on and days Wax and Wane with out earth little wobble.

The Paths: Borrowed from anther Druid order:

My my this sounds really good and perhaps it is yet it is filled with things ideas and terms that no ancient Druid ever hear of. Also works of Author's that although very useful, great insight and good intentions have come under heavy dispute in recent times.

This is much to complex an issue for here but I will just share one point.

The word Nwyfre, although useful and we too will use it in its new incarnation. It shows that often what seem Druid Great may have never crossed a Druids lips in the times of their greatness in the Celtic World.

Nwyfre (mW) > The Druidic concept of the ‘life force’ has been embodied in the word ‘nwyfre.’ The word nwyfre is a Middle Welsh word meaning ‘sky’ or ‘vigor.’ It was usually used to refer to a windy sky. Iolo Morganwg popularized its use as a ‘magical’ word. He probably misunderstood the etymology of the word, which originally had no mystical connotation, but ‘nwyfre’ has taken on a life of its own (no pun intended) among contemporary Druid circles. The way modern Druids use the word, it now means ‘life force’ or ‘life energy.’ Think of ‘The Force’ from the Star Wars film series, and you’ll have a rough approximation of what nwyfre means to a Druid

Sun Path: This path is an in-depth analysis of the Wheel of the Year and how Druids celebrate the High Days, including rituals for each High Day. The Sun Path teaches the Wheel of the Year as a metaphor for our own sacred journey through life, embracing the concepts of balance between light and dark, chaos and order. The nwyfre of the Sun Path lies in learning to see the life force as an expression of the Divine, and learning that we ourselves are a divine expression of the nwyfre.

Moon Path: This path focuses on the inner journey of the Druid. Just as the Moon has no light of its own, but reflects the light of the Sun, the Moon Path teaches us to reflect the Divine within ourselves. Included in this path are teachings on basic shamanism, how to meditate, and how to interpret our dreams. The nwyfre of the Moon Path lies in learning to see the life force in ourselves and to recognize that there is no separation between our own life force and the nwyfre of all other living things in this universe and all other universes

Earth Path: This path discusses how to draw closer to nature by caring for the Earth and understanding how we fit into the Web of Life, how to live sustainably and ecologically, and how to be active in giving back to the natural world. The basic foundation for the Earth Path section is the Celtic tree alphabet known as ‘Ogham.’ In learning about the Ogham, we will discuss the properties of the trees and plants associated with each letter of this alphabet. We also discover how to develop a relationship with our birth trees using the Tree Calendar developed by Robert Graves in The White Goddess. The nwyfre of the Earth Path lies in learning to see the life force in all living things, including plants, animals, stones, rivers, and the living landscape that surrounds us.

Note each of these Authors above will be taken up as we go along this long Ley. And ever as I have said they have come under attack in modern times it bods us well to read their work with an open mind and respect as they have paved the Druids road back from the bogs of lost history and we all walk on them today.

Also a bit Different then most Druidic teachings, while I will works and thoughts on Human behavior and Morales from the past. I leave you and the Deities you may choose to work with to find a true and Straight Ley in this  twisted and turning World of ours.


Here is link to our  Facebook "How to be a Druid" group. If you wish to ask questions on any "DLW" material or lessons please joint this Open Group


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